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Illinois Estate Planning and Elder Law Blog


I want my 401(k) and IRA to go to my spouse when I die — should I name them or my trust as beneficiary?

As is the case with many questions regarding legal matters, this depends on some different factors. It is more simple to name your spouse directly, and your spouse could then convert your retirement plans to their IRA and take withdrawals on their schedule. That being said, trusts have a number…


Millennial Money: Learn your parents’ financial plans ASAP (Part 1)

If you’ve lost a parent, you’ve felt the devastating reality that everyone – including everyone’s parents – will one day pass away. Often, their children are the ones who have to handle financial responsibilities while handling their own grief. Planning in advance for the tasks that will need to be…


Communication Can Be The Key To Creating Harmony In Multi-Generational Estate Planning (Part 1)

Estate planning for most families typically involves more than simply naming beneficiaries. The goals of estate planning often include the transfer of assets in an orderly and tax-efficient manner as well as working to preserve wealth across generations. The transition of wealth from one generation to the next is often…

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