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Illinois Estate Planning and Elder Law Blog


What Is Probate and How Can You Avoid It?

Probate is an important legal mechanism that dictates the distribution of assets after a person’s death, specifically within a probate court and with a probate judge presiding over proceedings. Surviving families and other interested parties usually trigger a probate process to cover issues relating to the deceased individual’s estate settlement.…


Cryptocurrencies: An Estate Planning Conundrum

The rise of bitcoin as well as other virtual currencies associated with blockchain technology (known as cryptocurrencies) has created a number of new millionaires and raises new questions in the legal community when it comes to addressing cryptocurrencies in estate plans. The Internal Revenue Service classifies cryptocurrencies as property for…


Estate Planning in a Digital World

An increasing number of our day-to-day activities are moving online. Whether financial, social, work, or leisure, all aspects of our lives have a growing presence on our computers or the internet. Because of this, smart estate planning should include addressing digital assets. Historically, estate planning consisted primarily of physical and…


Nurses Say Staffing Ratios In Long Term Care Facilities Are Unsafe

Although nearly all would agree that safe nurse staffing ratios are important and necessary, long term care (LTC) facilities (also known as nursing homes) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF) seem forgotten in the rally for safe nurse-patient ratios on units. Federal law has few requirements for nurse staffing in long…


Online Wills Might Save You Money, But They Can Lay These Estate-Planning Traps               

Using DIY wills for estate planning can have unintended negative consequences according to Marguerite Lorenz, a writer for She reports having recently seen a DIY service that had many typos on its website and that its estate planning “packages” had a document labeled with three different names. This service…

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