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Articles Posted in Estate Planning


Estate Planning for the Modern Global Family (Part 2)

In the last post, I began writing about global families and estate planning for non-U.S. Citizen spouses. Today I will write about planning for international assets and bequests. Planning for International Assets and Bequests Because estate planning laws can vary greatly between countries, understanding the legal intricacies of your home…


Charitably Inclined? Consider Pairing a Donor-Advised Fund with Your Estate Plan

If you are prioritizing charitable giving in your estate plan, you may want to consider using something called a donor-advised fund (DAF) which has become more popular in recent years. The value of DAF grants made to qualified charitable organizations increased 9% to $52.16 billion in 2022, and the number…


What Does Incapacitated Mean in Elder Law & Estate Planning? (Part 1)

You’ll likely come across the term “incapacitated” while planning with an attorney for your future and addressing challenges that may come along with aging. In this post, I’ll write about how incapacity is defined as well as what can cause it, and next week I’ll write about what this concept…

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